To: CEO's of Home Depot, Lowe's and other garden centers

Tell Home Depot and Lowe’s to stop selling bee-killing pesticides

We call on retailers to commit to not sell neonicotinoid pesticides, as well as plants and seeds pretreated with these pesticides. A growing body of science shows that these pesticides are a key factor in the global bee die-off known as colony collapse disorder. Retailers should stop the sale of neonicotinoid pesticides to protect honeybees and other pollinators essential to our food supply and the environment.

The EU has banned neonics, and a majority of the UK's largest home-improvement retailers, including Homebase, B&Q, and Wickes, have made public commitments to no longer sell products containing pesticides linked to declining bee populations. We call on your company to join these leaders in sustainability and pollinator health by making this same commitment to remove neonicotinoids from your shelves.

Why is this important?

Bees are essential for one out of three bites of food we eat. But last winter, beekeepers reported losses of 50-70 percent of their hives -- the worst year yet since the global bee die-off began!

A growing body of scientific evidence is pointing to neonicotinoids (neonics) as the key factor in this crisis and the European Union has just imposed a two year ban on these toxic pesticides.

These neonics are everywhere -- in commercial agriculture, on the shelf of your local garden stores, and in the plants and seeds we buy from nurseries.
Bee part of the solution! Tell Home Depot, Lowe’s and others to stop selling neonics.