The hateful views of Pat Robertson, Joseph Farah, and Jonathan Cahn are deeply offensive to Christians across America. Please don't spend Inauguration Day lending the prestige of your offices to their lies and conspiracy theories targeting President Obama.
Why is this important?
The official chaplains of the U.S. House and Senate are supposed to be nonpartisan pastors who offer spiritual support and guidance to our nation's elected leaders.
But on Inauguration Day, they're scheduled to speak at a right-wing event in Washington alongside some of the most hateful and racist figures on the Christian right.
Pat Robertson describes President Obama as a "socialist" with a Muslim "inclination." Joseph Farah runs WorldNetDaily, a conspiracy-theory website that continues to claim was born in Kenya. Jonathan Cahn is a fringe "messianic rabbi" who sees signs of the apocalypse in Obama's speeches and writings.
We've only got a few days to stop House chaplain Patrick J. Conroy and Senate chaplain Barry Black from lending the prestige of their offices to this hateful exploitation of Christian faith.