To: Stuart Oliver, HSBC Ceo and John Laidlow, HSBC, Head of Sustainable Business at HSBC

Tell HSBC Bank CEO "Stop the illegal land grab in Papua New Guinea!"

I am outraged that Kuala Lumpur Kepong (KLK), an HSBC financed company, is threatening to impose industrial scale palm oil plantations in Collingwood Bay, Papua New Guinea, against the will of the Indigenous communities whose land it is.

As a principal banker to KLK, HSBC has the responsibility to take urgent action and convince KLK to remove its equipment, barge, and security personnel from Collingwood Bay territory immediately and to cease all current and planned activities related to their palm oil plantation project in Collingwood Bay.

I expect HSBC to use its full leverage to prevent KLK from moving forward with its destructive palm oil plantations project in Collingwood Bay.

Why is this important?

The people of Collingwood Bay have built their culture and livelihoods around the primary forest and pristine marine environment that surrounds their community in Papua New Guinea.

Now their way of life and ancestral lands are under attack by palm oil giant KLK, which has already landed a barge with palm oil seeds and security personnel in Collingwood Bay.

HSBC is a principal bank to KLK, and has the power to stop this entire land grab in its tracks. Please demand HSBC take immediate action to halt KLK's theft of the Collingwood Bay community's land.