To: Marshall Emerson, CEO of ICAN Schools, Jason Stragand, Chief Academic Officer, Brian Nam, Brian Kenderes, Tyler Roberto, Jennifer Sullivan, and Deirdre Shobe

Tell ICAN CEO Marshall Emerson to Follow the Law and Respect Teachers' Legal Rights.

We demand that Marshall Emerson and I CAN Schools respect their teachers’ right to form a union and take no position on unionization and remain neutral. We demand that Marshall Emerson and I CAN Schools stop threatening and retaliating against teachers and staff based on their decision to support organizing their union.

Why is this important?

My name is Petula Higgins and I am a grandparent of two children who attend I CAN SCHOOLS. I have worked in homecare my whole life, and the reason I do that is because I can help to take care of people who cannot care for themselves. Teachers are apart of our families and help children grow each year. My hope is that I CAN teachers and staff can gain a collective voice to advocate for the best interest of our children.

Teachers and Staff at I CAN SCHOOLS are forming their teachers union to: reduce turnover, strengthen the voice of educators, and create a partnership between families, administration, and teachers.

In 2014, I CAN fired seven teachers who had spoken up to advocate for more resources for our students and for a voice in curriculum. Eventually, the NLRB found merit in 17 charges against I CAN for the wrongful terminations, surveillance and intimidation. In 2016, I CAN is again under federal investigation for trying to silence teachers who want to advocate for students without fear of being fired for speaking up. Teachers are joining together with I CAN parents, faith leaders and community organizations in calling on I CAN SCHOOLS stop the intimidation and listen to the needs of the Cleveland community.

We demand that I CAN SCHOOLS cease their illegal intimidation and interference of their teachers and staff and remain neutral with respect to their teachers' right to form a union.

