To: Impark

Tell Impark: Stop Firing Immigrant Workers!

Parking lot attendants, employed by Impark are being fired en masse for speaking up for a union and a living wage.

Tell Impark to respect the law and rehire the fired parking workers.

Why is this important?

Parking lot attendants at Impark in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania earn as little as $8.16 an hour and must pay for their health care out of their meager wages or go without. Nearly all of the parking attendants at Impark work two or more jobs and many immigrated from African countries to find the American Dream, only to be stuck working grueling jobs for poverty wages.

At a time when immigrants are under unprecedented attack, African immigrant parking attendants are standing up for their rights and demanding better. Yet the more they raise their voices, the more Impark cracks down.

Surafel, a husband and father of two young children came to the United States from Ethiopia for a better life. After encouraging his co-workers to sign a petition for the union, Sarafel was abruptly fired. Now Sarafel lost his job, and his ability to care for his family, simply for speaking up for his rights.

Stand up for immigrant workers like Surafel. Tell Impark to respect the law and rehire the fired parking workers.
