To: Governor Mike DeWine

Tell John Kasich his sales tax plan takes from the poor and gives to the rich.

Ohio Governor John Kasich tax plan for the near future will further increase the tax burden of the lower classes as a percentage of income. We must send him a message: This tax policy will not stand in the 21st Century!

Why is this important?

Ohio Governor John Kasich is presently proposing furthering a regressive sales tax plan that is both economically unjust and unjustified. Since 2005, Republicans have shifted the source of state tax revenue from income (progressive) to sales (regressive) taxes. The present system has been hurting job growth and is nothing more than a give away the GOP's wealthy base. We need to fight this battle now as our economy would benefit by shifting the tax burden away from the 96 % of Ohioans who make an income of less than $200K/yr., increasing the take home pay, putting money in the pockets of those who will actually spend it, and creating jobs from the increased demand for goods and services. The top 4% would hardly feel the difference and continue present levels or increase hiring practices to meet the growing economy. This is another battle that will never go away as long as large amounts of money can be given to candidates by wealthy donors and money remains so closely tied to politics.