To: U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder

Tell Justice Dept. to investigate Texas troopers for “Stop and Probe”

Three people have come forward with evidence that their Fourth Amendment rights were violated by Texas state troopers who conducted unreasonable full body cavity searches along the highway. Please, investigate the Texas Department of Public Safety to ensure this never occurs again.

Why is this important?

Two women were driving their car on the highway when they were pulled over for throwing out a cigarette. The next thing they know, the state trooper claimed to smell marijuana, and the women received a full body cavity search.

The female trooper who conducted the cavity search has already been fired, the male trooper is under investigation, and the women are suing for sexual assault. This incident is bad enough, but it isn’t an isolated occurrence among the Texas state Highway Patrol. It has happened before and it might happen again unless something is done.

Tell the Department of Justice to investigate the Texas Department of Public Safety for multiple cases of Fourth Amendment rights violations.

