To: Ken Cuccinelli

Tell Ken Cuccinelli: Disavow E.W. Jackson

E.W. Jackson has a long record of exploiting and misrepresenting Christianity to foment hatred and launch attacks on his political opponents. Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli must unequivocally disavow E.W. Jackson and withdraw all support for Jackson's campaign.

Why is this important?

Is it appropriate for a pastor to attack the Christian faith of the president of the United States? Or accuse an entire political party of pursuing an "agenda worthy of the antichrist"?

Apparently the leaders of Virginia's Republican Party think so - they just nominated pastor E.W. Jackson to be the state's next lieutenant governor.

E.W. Jackson has said that "the idea that Barack Obama is a Christian is laughable" and that Obama "sees the world from a Muslim perspective." He also describes gays and lesbians as "perverted" and "degenerate" and says that "there is a direct connection" between homosexuality and pedophilia.

So far, the party's gubernatorial nominee, Ken Cuccinelli, is campaigning alongside Jackson, despite Jackson's long record of hateful and extremist rhetoric.

We've got to show Ken Cuccinelli that this shameful misrepresentation and exploitation of Christian faith is no way to run for public office.