To: The Ohio State House, The Ohio State Senate, and Governor Mike DeWine

Tell Law enforcement no more running 50s

Law enforcement should not be allowed to just run your license plate because they can. This practice needs to stop and it needs to stop now.

Why is this important?

I'm starting this petition because we as Americans have given up way too many of our freedoms and rights in the quest for security. We have excepted the lie that certain policies and procedures are put in place to give us protection for to help defend against terrorism. But in all actuality he that is so far from the truth these freedoms and rights are taken from us to close down the gap on what we can do what we can do to make us More of a police state type of country for example some small on the municipalities in even some of the large ones now have equipment on their cruisers that run hundreds of license plates a second. This gives these smaller municipalities away to drive revenue that is borderline unconstitutional I don't care what the ruling say they shouldn't just be able to run license plates. I was affected because basically I was driving a hoop Dee in Dublin and I got followed and pulled over in the reasoning that the officer gave was he couldn't tell if my license plate was valid or not long story short my car got towed and impounded then I had to wait to be picked up by family and I spent over $500 closer to $600 on that whole ordeal getting my vehicle back. This needs to stop! This now get his police the ability to do racial profiling whenever they like for whatever reason they like and I will not stand for this I want how many others out there won't stand for it either.
