To: Mark Zuckerberg

Tell Mark Zuckerberg to ban hate organizations like Brietbart News on Facebook

Right now Facebook is the most effective channel for white supremacist, Alt-Right news outlets like Brietbart News. Tell Mark Zuckerberg this has got to stop!

Why is this important?

Facebook allowed fake news sites and racists news sites to influence the US Election. Chief among them was Brietbart news, who ran a trending fake news story alleging that Hillary Clinton was about to be indicted by the FBI.

Brietbart News also spreads anti-semitic, alt-right, and white supremacist 'news' stories throughout Facebook. Facebook should support an inclusive, open community, not serve as a channel for hate and divisiveness.

We are all affected by Mark Zuckerberg's decision to allow hateful and fake news to take over Facebook. Keep Facebook safe for all people, regardless of creed, color, religion, or sex orientation and sign the petition today!
