To: Mastercard

Tell Mastercard to stop supporting far right and hate groups

Mastercard is enabling far right and hate groups to make money from promoting bigotry. Tell them to immediately investigate the hate groups and extremists using Mastercard and implement a policy to ban them.

Why is this important?

Despite having the opportunity to fight bigotry and violence at its recent Annual General Meeting, Mastercard has refused to stop working with far right and hate groups like the League of the South, National Policy Institute, Proud Boys, Stormfront, VDare, Identity Evropa, Occidental Dissent, and Radix Journal.

These days starting a white supremacist or hate group is as easy as launching any online business. The tech platforms that have enabled so many of us to open up websites and begin selling products and services allow hate groups and extremists to thrive equally within the same ecosystem.

These groups have managed to co-opt social media, ecommerce and fintech platforms to financially support criminal activities, including violence and harassment.

From donation platforms to online stores, major tech companies are operating at a level of scale that they do not know who their customers are before they grant them access to Mastercard payments.

It’s time for Mastercard to face the fact that until they investigate, the company will not know the scope of abuse taking place in their network.