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To: Mayor Muriel Bowser

Tell Mayor Bowser: DC Government Healthcare Heroes Deserve a Fair Contract

Mayor Bowser:  

Health Care Heroes Deserve Better than 1%. We deserve a fair contract for hard work.

Nurses who work for the DC Government have worked tirelessly during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure that patients throughout the District, especially those with mental illness health issues and in mental health facilities, were properly cared for.  Many nurses worked in unsafe working conditions without proper personal protective gear equipment (PPE), which resulted in over 70% of the nurses working for the District Government becoming infected with COVID-19.

However, since 2019, the Mayor has refused to bargain in good faith with the nurses by consistently canceling negotiation sessions, refusing to bring proposals to the table and finally only offering 1% for annual raises, while approving over 2% annual raises for other DC government employees. This is a slap in the face to the nurses who sacrificed the safety of their families to ensure that District residents were properly cared for.

According to the 2021 Gallup poll ( for an impressive 20-year running, Nurses are rated as the most trusted profession. The District could not have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic without the support of frontline nurses.

Nurses are health care heroes as validated during this pandemic. Therefore, the Mayor needs to give us a fair contract that reflects our value to the patients and residents of the District of Columbia.

District of Columbia Nurses Association

Why is this important?

Nurses have been validated as healthcare heroes. The nurses worked through the pandemic to ensure that patients throughout the District were properly cared for.  Since 2019, the Mayor has refused to bargain in good faith with the nurses by consistently canceling negotiation sessions, refusing to bring proposals to the table and finally only offering 1% for annual raises, while approving over 2% annual raises for other DC government employees. This is a slap in the face to the nurses who sacrificed the safety of their families to ensure that District residents were properly cared for. The Mayor needs to give the nurses a fair contract that reflects our value to the patients and residents of the District of Columbia.




2022-02-28 16:08:53 -0500

1,000 signatures reached

2022-02-26 11:40:32 -0500

500 signatures reached

2022-02-25 11:41:51 -0500

100 signatures reached

2022-02-25 10:44:13 -0500

50 signatures reached

2022-02-25 09:01:04 -0500

25 signatures reached

2022-02-25 06:27:42 -0500

10 signatures reached