To: The Minnesota State House and The Minnesota State Senate

Tell MN's Senators and Representatives to support our caucus winner - Bernie Sanders

Nearly all of Minnesota's Democratic senators and house reps have pledged their superdelegate votes to Hillary Clinton. Hold them accountable to their state, and tell them to pledge their superdelegate votes to the clear winner of our DFL caucus - Bernie Sanders

Why is this important?

Minnesotans flocked to the polls in record numbers on Super Tuesday to support Bernie Sanders. We can not have our state's senators and representatives circumventing the clear and decisive will of the state they are supposed to represent. Our positions should be their position in this matter. They should be held accountable to their constituents. If they do not represent the people who elected them, we will find someone else who does. Their names are below:

Al Franken - MN Senate (Clinton)
Amy Klobuchar - MN Senate (Clinton)
Betty McCollum - MN House of Representatives (Clinton)
Rick Nolan - MN House of Representatives (Clinton)
Tim Walz - MN House of Representatives (Clinton)
Collin Peterson - MN House of Representatives (Uncommitted)
Keith Ellison - MN House of Representatives (Sanders)
