To: Nancy Vaughan, Mayor of Greensboro NC, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Tell Mayors of the Triad, Nancy Vaughan, Bernita Sims and Allen Joines to put an end to Ringling ...

Stop Ringling Brothers Circus from coming to Greensboro as long as they have wild animals!
Wild animals are NOT on earth for our entertainment!
Facebook: NC Against Ringling Bros. Circus

Why is this important?

Knowing the horrible truth, we must do the right thing. Ringling Bros. Circus has been coming to Greensboro for about 50 years. This has to come to a halt because wild animals are NOT on the earth for human entertainment! Greensboro is a more compassionate people than to allow this to continue to happen.
NC Against Ringling Bros. Circus on Facebook