To: Dick Radatz, Jr., Owner and Matt Bomberg, VP of Development

Tell Northwoods League that handguns, beer, and baseball don't mix!

Northwoods League baseball team the Battle Creek Bombers is hosting an open-carry night June 24th. Tell Northwoods owner Dick Radatz, Jr. that open-carry and alcohol don't mix!
Kalamazoo and Battle Creek, Michigan, are still reeling from a recent mass shooting.
Sign your name and tell Northwoods that you will be boycotting all future events.
Northwoods League: Cancel this event, apologize for endorsing gun violence, and make all of your games gun-free zones.

Why is this important?

I am a church pastor in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Our community has been devastated by handgun violence in recent months. An open-carry night at our local baseball game is adding insult to the very real injuries we are struggling to recover from.
