Tell NPR to stop ignoring and minimizing Bernie Sanders.

NPR: you should be ashamed of yourselves. You are just as guilty as all the rest of the corporate-owned media. When you're not ignoring Bernie Sanders you are minimizing him. National PUBLIC Radio--PUBLIC, get it? You are supposed to report the news, not try to influence it. Do your job and report unbiased news.

Why is this important?

If you want a flat-out comparison of NPR's bias and relative avoidance of Sanders, check out their candidate pages at NPR:

Bernie Sanders: 14 stories in 2015
Hillary Clinton: 76 stories in 2015, 13 just since July 1.

There was 542% more for coverage of Hillary. Need more proof of bias?

Here are some numbers to demonstrate the uneven coverage, taken from NPR's search page.

Includes "Hillary Clinton": 236.
Includes "Hillary Clinton", excludes "Bernie Sanders": 188.
Includes "Bernie Sanders": 66.
Includes "Bernie Sanders", excludes "Hillary Clinton": 13.
Includes "Hillary Clinton" and "Bernie Sanders": 48.

Of NPR's recent coverage of Hillary, 80% of it excludes Bernie Sanders. Of NPR's coverage of Bernie Sanders, only 20% of it excludes Hillary Clinton. Interestingly, when you limit results to only what was heard on air, the percentages are the same, but the numbers are even worse:

"Hillary Clinton" heard on the air: 113.
"Hillary Clinton", without "Bernie Sanders": 91.
"Bernie Sanders" heard on the air: 27.
"Bernie Sanders", without "Hillary Clinton": 5. (and only one of those is specifically about Bernie Sanders)