To: President Donald Trump

Tell Obama To Run Exclusively for the People

Don't compromise the people of the United States. Run for the people, not corporate interests. Help stop the cycle of corruption and don't take a single dollar more of corporate money.

Why is this important?

Four years ago, we rallied around the idea of real change for America. A lot of people were bright eyed and hopeful. What Obama delivered was more of the same, showing us that, democrat or republican, politicians work for corporations. Now as the 2012 election gears up, we have a chance to take our candidate back. Join me in demanding Barack Obama to stand with the people, give back his corporate interest money and not take a single penny more that doesn't come from the people.

We need a conduit for the people. With this petition, the message is clear. If he will not give us the change we need, he will not have our support.

Obama already has gotten the majority of his funding from the people. All we are asking is for him to make a stand for the people and cut out the special interests. Imagine how many more people would support him if he made a stand like that?

Look at his top contributors here: