To: Michael P. Huerta, FAA Administrator, Ray LaHood, Secretary of Transportation, and President Donald Trump

Tell Obama & The FAA: Don't Give Companies Like Exxon Control Over No-Fly Zones During Disasters

During disasters, the FAA should loosen media restrictions so citizens can know what's happening -- not hand over control of no-fly zones to private companies like they did with Exxon in Mayflower, AR.

Why is this important?

The FAA can grant no-fly zones to ensure safety for clean up efforts after environmental disasters occur, such as oil and other hazardous material spills. Granting control to private companies, or individuals employed/contracted by private companies:
- Creates an unchecked information funnel that potentially puts local residents at risk;
- Restricts access to important early disaster impact data; and
- Allows the right to free and independent press to be regulated by a democratically unaccountable entity.
According to Federal Aviation Regulations members of accredited news organizations are allowed access to these sites within certain guidelines. When a company causes a disaster they should not be able to control our right to information. Support loosening current restrictions to media and end transferring control of no-fly zones to private entities.

Here is some background on the Mayflower, AR no-fly zone at the time of the incident: (Copy and paste link into your browser if needed).