To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Tell Obama To Take The Social Security Cuts Off The Table

Please take the Social Security cuts off the table in the fiscal cliff deal. We don't need to stoop to depriving the retired and the elderly from benefits that so many of them desperately depend on.

Why is this important?

Did you know that Obama has offered a fiscal cliff deal to the GOP which includes cuts to Social Security benefits? It doesn't sit right with me to allow him to abandon his campaign promises and to allow our lawmakers to respond to the fiscal cliff by legislating more deprivals for the retired and the elderly, many of whom live in severe poverty, rather than raising taxes on the prosperous and the wealthy. I think we're all better than that. Please join me if you agree and add your signature to this petition to let the President, Congress and the Senate know that you will not stand for this deal, especially since the White House itself has said that Social Security is not a factor in the deficit.