To: Chris Sainato (PA-9), Joseph Petrarca (PA-55), Stephanie Borowicz (PA-76), Neal Goodman (PA-123), Mark Longietti (PA-7), William Kortz (PA-38), Jim Rigby (PA-71), and Frank Burns (PA-72)

Tell PA Democratic Representatives to End Discrimination Against LGBT People

I urge you to support legislation to end legal discrimination against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual and Transgendered people in Pennsylvania. It is outrageous that it is still legal to discriminate in employment, housing, credit, and public accommodations.

Why is this important?

Pennsylvania is the only state in the northeast where it is legal to discriminate against LGBT people. LGBT people can be fired, denied housing, credit or even a motel room simply on the basis of their sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.

Thirteen Democratic State Representatives in PA have not signed on to HB 300, the bill to end legal discrimination against LGBT people. If these 13 joined as co-sponsors we would have a majority in support of the bill.

Please send a message to all of them that it is outrageous that they are not sponsoring HB 300.
