To: The Pennsylvania State House and The Pennsylvania State Senate
Tell PA lawmakers to reject any attempts to impeach our justices!
As a Pennsylvanian, I implore you to let the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling rejecting congressional district boundaries stand, and to reject any effort to impeach justices who ruled to override the unfairly gerrymandered district maps.
Our lawmakers need to respect the authority of our justices and let them do their job. It's time to do the right thing and let voters be fairly represented in Congress.
Our lawmakers need to respect the authority of our justices and let them do their job. It's time to do the right thing and let voters be fairly represented in Congress.
Why is this important?
It’s official! The U.S. Supreme Court and the federal district court in Pennsylvania have both declined requests from Republican leaders to block the new congressional district map from going into effect for the May 15 primary.
These decisions essentially put an end to our state’s gerrymandered congressional district lines and are a huge victory for Pennsylvania voters. But a group of lawmakers are retaliating by trying to impeach four of the Supreme Court justices who ruled in favor of the new map.
Unbelievable. The state Supreme Court justices did their job: they found the congressional district maps to be unconstitutional. The case for impeachment has little grounding, but we need to make sure this effort doesn’t gain steam in the legislature. Tell your state lawmakers to vote AGAINST any effort to impeach Supreme Court justices who ruled to override the gerrymandered district map.
These decisions essentially put an end to our state’s gerrymandered congressional district lines and are a huge victory for Pennsylvania voters. But a group of lawmakers are retaliating by trying to impeach four of the Supreme Court justices who ruled in favor of the new map.
Unbelievable. The state Supreme Court justices did their job: they found the congressional district maps to be unconstitutional. The case for impeachment has little grounding, but we need to make sure this effort doesn’t gain steam in the legislature. Tell your state lawmakers to vote AGAINST any effort to impeach Supreme Court justices who ruled to override the gerrymandered district map.