To: Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary

Tell President Obama to fire Tim Geithner

Tim Geithner has proven over and over as Treasury Secretary that he is all about helping the Bigt Banks and doesn't really care about the American people like he should. Going Back to the days when he was with the Fed in New York, he knew first hand what Wall Street was doing and he could have done something to prevent this current crisis, but he looked the other way instead. The HAMP program which he created to supposedly help struggling homeowners stay in their homes, was just a political stunt designed to fail from the start. Now we have the Libor rate fixing scandal. What else do we need to know about this crook. Let's tell the president to fire him and replace him with someone who will have the guts to go after the criminals who have bankrupted our Nation.

Why is this important?

I have been a victim of Chase's criminal behavior in regarding a Loan modification. It has greatly affected my family as a whole and individually. I nearly lost my marriage 3 years ago and my 11 year old son was so depressed that he got nothing but D's in his report card a couple of years ago. I have fought them back and recently the Homeowner's Bill of Rights was signed by Gov. Brown in CA. Which would prevent banks from doing what they did to me to other families who are trying to keep their houses. The Federal Government has done nothing to help stuggling homeowners stay in their homes and the HAMP program has been designed to fail from the start. Tim Geithner has been on the side of the banks instead of our side and he needs to go.