To: President Donald Trump and Ron Kirk, U.S. Trade Representative

Tell President Obama to Make Trade Fair

We, the undersigned, call on President Obama and U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk to ensure the Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement:

1. Creates jobs in the United States, and does not promote offshoring;
2. Improves working conditions and strengthens workers’ rights at home and abroad;
3. Allows governments to prioritize spending taxpayer funds locally; and
4. Protects the rights of sovereign governments to make policies in the public interest, including policies with respect to clean air and water, affordable medicines and food safety.

Why is this important?

I have worked at the Trane Company plant in La Crosse, Wisconsin for over 12 years. I take great pride in the work I do…when I have it.

You see, outsourcing of good jobs at the plant has become an all-too-common occurrence. Three production lines at the factory have been shipped overseas to China and Mexico in the last five years and I have been temporarily laid off more times than I can count.

Hundreds of good jobs in La Crosse are now gone and many of my co-workers have been forced to leave La Crosse in search of other work. It’s hurt local businesses and taken away badly-needed revenue from our schools, hospitals and libraries.

And I know we aren’t alone. Millions of jobs have been offshored because of lopsided trade deals that have put the interests of corporations over the interests of working families.

That’s why it is so important we get the next trade deals right and we have a chance right now. U.S. trade representatives are currently negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement (TPP FTA), which will be the biggest trade agreement in U.S. history.

To ensure this trade agreement works for working families and creates and protects jobs in the United States, I'm helping gather signatures for an emergency petition delivery from working families on July 9 in San Diego during the next round of the TPP FTA negotiations.

Please sign my petition now to urge President Obama and U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk to negotiate a trade policy that creates good jobs in the United States, ensures all levels of government can Buy American, protects workers’ rights and stops foreign corporations from skirting U.S. laws to help their bottom line.

