To: Steve Flagg, CEO (owner)

Tell Quality Bicycle Products to stop outsourcing everything they make!

Quality Bicycle Products is the largest bicycle parts distributor in the United States. They also own many bicycle brands such as Surly, Salsa, All-City, Civia, Wisky Parts Co, Problem Solvers, and more! All brands are manufactured in Taiwan and not in the United States like many people think.

For a company that has a division called ACE (Advocacy, Community, and Environment) they certainly don't do so well at the second two areas of this division. They advocate for cycling quite well, but community is also about creating jobs and every time they send an engineer over to Taiwan to tech them how to build the most high tech bicycle components, they are losing a potential chance to create more engineering and manufacturing jobs in the United States where we really need jobs.

When it comes to the environment, shipping 100,000's of bicycle parts on giant Bunker Fuel burning container ships multiple thousands of miles each trip is not a very green practice. Let's make QBP put ACE to the true test and tell them to create more jobs in the U.S. all while helping reduce the amount of mass shipping across our worlds oceans.

We need to make companies accountable for their actions and QBP is one company who does a good job putting up a facade by using ACE all while behind the scenes their practices are damaging our economy and our environment.

Why is this important?

Quality Bicycle Products outsources all of it's bicycle brands products to Taiwan. They are the nations largest bicycle parts distributor and they can make a difference if they start manufacturing their many brands products here.

The U.S. bicycle industry outsources almost all of their manufacturing instead of creating more jobs here in the United States. Since QBP is the biggest one, let's make them accountable for their actions.
