To: Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1)
Tell. Rep. Brady to End the Bush Tax Cuts for the Richest 2%
Allowing taxes to go up an average of $2,200 per family of four would pose an additional hardship on middle-class families who have already suffered through the Great Recession and its aftermath.
The fairest way to address the current fiscal situation, to promote economic growth and to protect middle-class families is to extend tax cuts for the middle class and allow cuts for the wealthiest two percent to expire.
Please support a deal that allows the Bush-era tax cuts to expire for the wealthiest 2% and extends tax cuts for those earning under $250,000.
The fairest way to address the current fiscal situation, to promote economic growth and to protect middle-class families is to extend tax cuts for the middle class and allow cuts for the wealthiest two percent to expire.
Please support a deal that allows the Bush-era tax cuts to expire for the wealthiest 2% and extends tax cuts for those earning under $250,000.
Why is this important?
End the Bush Tax Cuts for the Richest 2%
Allowing taxes to go up an average of $2,200 per family of four would pose an additional hardship on middle-class families who have already suffered through the Great Recession and its aftermath.
The fairest way to address the current fiscal situation, to promote economic growth and to protect middle-class families is to extend tax cuts for the middle class and allow cuts for the wealthiest two percent to expire.
Please support a deal that allows the Bush-era tax cuts to expire for the wealthiest 2% and extends tax cuts for those earning under $250,000.
Allowing taxes to go up an average of $2,200 per family of four would pose an additional hardship on middle-class families who have already suffered through the Great Recession and its aftermath.
The fairest way to address the current fiscal situation, to promote economic growth and to protect middle-class families is to extend tax cuts for the middle class and allow cuts for the wealthiest two percent to expire.
Please support a deal that allows the Bush-era tax cuts to expire for the wealthiest 2% and extends tax cuts for those earning under $250,000.