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To: President Donald Trump

Tell Romney he Lies, Denies and Omits At Next DEBATE

We request that President Obama START the next debate with a strong statement like: To have a real debate with you, Mr Romney, you must quit lying, denying and changing your position about every issue that is important to the voters. You have not given the American people any specifics on any of your plans or claims to fix things. The American people deserve to know and then we could have a realistic debate.

Why is this important?

After watching the debate I was so disgusted with the way Romney ran the debate. President Obama MUST show the American People that he can be just as assertive as Romney. President Obama needs to make a strong opening statement. He needs to let the American people know that in order for him to have an imformative debate with Romney, Romney has to give the American people some actual specifics about his plans and quit flip flopping on every issue. Otherwise , Romney just keeps lying, denying, omitting and flip flopping. Please President Obama fix the damages from the first debate. This has been Romney's and his advisors plan all along.



2024-06-22 21:51:31 -0400

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