To: Governor Mike Dunleavy

Tell Sean Parnell to enact the provisions of the ACA to benefit Alaskans in need.

We the people of the state of Alaska respectfully demand that you honor your obligations as governor and enact the provisions of the ACA without wasting additional funds fighting it in court. As governor your top priority should be helping the people in our state, not padding your Republican resume by taking an ideological stand that hurts your constituents.

Why is this important?

The expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act will cost Alaska nothing in the first 3 years, after which we will only cover 10% of the cost. Alaskans have huge medical expenses due to our geography. Our state needs additional protections--and expanded coverage is just the tip of the iceberg--but we have got to start somewhere. Please stand with your fellow Alaskans and demand your governor work for the people and not for his party.