To: Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL)

Tell Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) To Vote Yes to Protect LGBT Americans from Workplace Harassment and ...

Senator Bill Nelson, you should stop stalling and announce that you will vote to end workplace discrimination and pass the LGBT Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) in the Senate this fall.

Why is this important?

After the shutdown, the U.S. Senate will take a vote on the LGBT Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) for the first time in 17 years, and this commonsense proposal already has 55 Senate supporters and counting. ENDA simply says a corporation can’t fire you just because of who you are or who you love.

But Florida’s Senator Bill Nelson is still waffling. He’s 1 of only 3 hold-out Democrats who has not made up his mind. We think 100% of Democrats should support basic fairness for LGBT Americans.

Floridians understand that Americans should be judged on the job based on their skills and hard work, rather than their sexual orientation or gender identity. In fact, a recent poll showed that 73 percent of Floridians support ENDA. Nationwide, so do more than 81 percent of Democratic voters, a majority of Republican voters, 61 percent of senior citizens, and 72 percent of Latinos.

Sen. Nelson - You already support marriage equality, and the Democratic Party of Florida platform calls for all people to be treated equally regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. There’s no reason to keep stalling on workplace equality. Now is time to announce your support and publicly pledge to vote Yes for the LGBT Employment Non-Discrimination Act.