To: Howard Schultz, CEO, Starbucks

Tell Starbucks: Dump Trump!

Donald Trump is an unmitigated bigot who regularly launches verbal attacks against immigrants, people of color, women and Muslims. Every day that you are associated with him betrays the progressive values that Starbucks has come to stand for and ties the Starbucks brand to his bigotry. As Starbucks customers, we are asking you to relocate your stores that are in buildings named after Donald Trump.

Why is this important?

Despite his history of racist, sexist and xenophobic comments, Starbucks continues to operate stores in buildings named after Donald Trump including Trump Tower and Trump Taj Mahal.

Here are some recent Trump actions:

* Trump immediately exploited the attacks in Brussels to call again for building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and for a ban to prevent Muslims including Muslim-Americans from entering the country.

* Trump attacked Mexicans and called them "murderers" and "rapists."

* Trump endorsed and encouraged violence against Black Lives Matter as well as other anti-Trump demonstrators.

* Trump has refused to consistently denounce and reject support from the KKK and other hate groups.

Donald Trump’s bigotry stands in direct opposition to the Starbucks brand. For example, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s public statement in support of marriage equality showed that the company values all people. Trump, on the other hand, has promised to round up and deport 12 million immigrants. That’s not what Starbucks stands for! Starbucks should immediately disentangle itself from its business relationship with Trump and begin relocating its stores that are in Trump owned properties.
