To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott

Tell Texas Lawmakers: "Buy American"

Please support House Bill 535, the "Buy American Bill."

This bill will create new jobs here, in Texas as well as across the United States, instead of overseas.

HB 535 will give preference first to goods made in Texas, and if Texas-made goods are not available at a comparable price, then those made in the rest of the United States get the next preference.

We need to invest in our jobs here, not overseas.

Please support HB 535.

Why is this important?

Texas State Rep. Yvonne Davis has filed HB 535, the "Buy American" bill.

This bill would require state agencies to give preference to purchasing goods made in Texas or the U.S. when the option is available.

If products are not made in Texas at a comparable cost to other goods, the next preference would be to goods made anywhere in the United States.

Millions will benefit by the Texas government investing in American jobs and America workers. Disabled veterans and farmers will be some of the first to benefit from such a law.