To: Walmart, Best Buy, Target, Costco, CVS, Kroger, Lowe's, Safeway, The Home Depot, and Walgreens

Tell the Big Ten Retailers: Keep Toxic Chemicals Off Your Shelves!

As a concerned customer, I am asking you to mind the store and move us away from the Hazardous 100+ toxic chemicals by telling your suppliers to stop putting them in their products.

Every day, I make choices about the products I buy and bring into my home. I have become increasingly concerned about the toxic chemicals in our every day products that have been linked to cancer, learning disabilities, Alzheimer's disease, birth defects, and asthma. Unfortunately, it is difficult for me to know if items in your store contain chemicals that may put my health and my family at risk.

By asking your suppliers to move away from the Hazardous 100+ toxic chemicals, you can be a leader in protecting your customers, stakeholders, and the environment.

Please protect our families by making sure that the products sold in your store are free from hazardous chemicals.

Why is this important?

Right now, many of our every day products -- like clothing, shampoo, furniture, baby bottles, and electronics -- contain toxic chemicals that have been linked to cancer, learning disabilities, Alzheimer's disease, birth defects, and asthma.

This is unacceptable. The stores we shop at should be watching out for us by asking their suppliers to keep toxic chemicals out of their products. But they won’t do it unless we make them.

Please sign our petition asking the ten biggest retailers to protect our health and our families by keeping toxic chemicals out of their products!