To: James Walsh, Douglas Kellner, Andrew Spano, Gregory Peterson, The New York Board of Elections

Tell the Board of Elections: Stop Corruption in Albany!

It's time to shut down the "LLC loophole," once and for all. This loophole contributes directly to the ongoing culture of corruption and scandal in Albany by allowing big donors and special interests to circumvent the state’s campaign finance limits and funnel millions of dollars to the candidates of their choice. It's up to you, the Board of Elections, to correct this mistake and enforce the law.

Why is this important?

Amid an ongoing series of scandals in Albany, there is one easy step the New York Board of Elections can take right now to crack down on the culture of corruption. They can vote to close to the so-called "LLC loophole," which allows Wall Street bankers and real estate developers to evade contribution limits and funnel millions of dollars to the candidates of their choice.