To: California Public Utilities Commission and Kamala Harris, CA Attorney General

Tell the CPUC and Attorney General Harris: Stop the Comcast-Time Warner merger!

Stop the Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger!

If the merger is allowed to go through, Comcast will gain unprecedented market power and Californians can expect higher prices, fewer choices, and even worse customer service:
-- The merger would combine two companies that are consistently rated poorly by consumers for charging high prices and delivering lousy customer service.
-- Comcast would control most of the California cable market and extend its dominance into Los Angeles and nearly all of the top 20 markets across the country.
-- Comcast would become a national gatekeeper of the Internet with control over half of the high speed broadband market and the power to decide who could pass through the gate and on what terms.
-- By controlling nearly all of the key media markets, Comcast could dictate which programs get carried, giving it tremendous power over the diversity of programming and the content consumers are able to access.
-- Comcast's dominant market position would discourage competition that could spur more affordable broadband options, which would be particularly harmful to low income communities and communities of color.

Why is this important?

If Comcast merges with Time Warner cable, Comcast will gain unprecedented power over our country’s cable and internet market -- resulting in higher prices, fewer choices, worse customer service and control over the information we read, watch, and hear.

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and CA Attorney General Kamala Harris have the power to block this disastrous merger. But they must hear from concerned citizens like you RIGHT NOW to let them know that we do NOT want the corporate giant Comcast to have a monopoly over us.

If we can stop the merger in California, Comcast’s national domination plan could be over. Without California’s biggest markets, the cable giant would most likely walk away from the whole deal!

