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To: MICHAEL PICKER, President of the California Public Utilities Commission, CARLA J. PETERMAN, CPUC Commissioner, LIANE M. RANDOLPH, CPUC Commissioner, MARTHA GUZMAN ACEVES, CPUC Commissioner, and CLIFFORD RECHTSCHAFFEN, CPUC Commissioner

Tell the CPUC to break up the PG&E monopoly!

PG&E has caused the deaths of 80+ people and billions in damages in 2018 alone, yet continues to raise rates and force the very people they have harmed to pay for the damages PG&E has caused. Tell the CPUC that enough is enough. It's time to break up the PG&E monopoly. No more bailing out billionaires while charging the victims!

Why is this important?

PG&E is asking to raise ratepayers' rates AGAIN while state lawmakers scramble to limit the utility's liability for the deaths and damages resulting from PG&E's negligence, even after it has been announced by the CPUC that PG&E has been falsifying documents since the San Bruno tragedy. Anyone else would have gone to prison yet PG&E has repeatedly been rewarded by receiving approval to raise rates to cover the costs of their criminal conduct. Lawmakers claim they are concerned about the effect PG&E's demise may have, but seem to ignore the immense economic impact PG&E's years of criminal conduct has had on our state. Tell the CPUC that PG&E has cost us enough! CPUC- do your job and break up PG&E- it's time to start over.



2024-03-11 23:30:45 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-03-11 19:42:55 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-03-11 17:18:16 -0400

25 signatures reached

2023-08-10 21:59:50 -0400

10 signatures reached