To: Democratic National Committee

Tell the DNC: Abolish Super Delegates for Future Presidential Elections

We urge the Democratic National Committee to end the system of appointing "Super Delegates" for all future presidential elections. The super delegate system is unrepresentative, contradicts the purported values of the party and its members, and reduces the party's moral authority.

Why is this important?

Echoing critiques made by Bernie Sanders and supporters of his presidential campaign, 14 progressive organizations are urging the Democratic Party to scrap the superdelegate system, which they say "undermines representative democracy."

The groups, including Democracy for America, National Nurses United, The Other 98%, and Progressive Democrats of America, outline their concerns in a letter, which was obtained by Politico, to the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the DNC Rules Committee, and the delegates to the Democratic National Convention.

They're calling on the party to take action to get rid of the system that allows state party elites and elected officials to back the candidate of their choosing when the committee convenes in Philadelphia July 25-28.

Read the whole article at Common Dreams: