To: Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr, Attorney General, United States of America

Tell the DOJ to investigate the highly questionable business practices of

We ask that Attorney General Eric Holder launch an investigation into the business practices of

We ask that he open a public forum so that business owners across the United States may testify to their first hand accounts of their conversations and interactions with managers, sales representatives, and customer service employees to ascertain whether is actively participating in fraud, blackmail, extortion, and libel-by-proxy: that is, actively manipulating Yelp reviews to the intentional detriment of business owners and their businesses.

If fraud, blackmail, extortion, or libel-by-proxy is proven to be present, we petition Attorney General Holder to use the full powers of his office to bring these practices to a close and bring criminal charges to the company and it's employees where they are necessary.

Why is this important?

How many stories do we have to hear about unfairly filtering good reviews and keeping up bad reviews when a merchant refuses to pay for advertising with them? Business are being deprived of not only due process, but good reputations are being permanently damaged with no recourse. Enough is enough.