To: Rupert Murdoch, Owner, Fox Networks, Wall Street Journal,etc.
Tell the FCC to Revoke Rupert Murdoch's Licenses !
Drawn to the Fox Networks because of their Sitcom reruns, and mindless fare, the least educated, the most poorly informed segment of our society is sort of a captive audience for the Right-Wing, Fascistic and divisive Propaganda that is Fox News. Perhaps Our Government viewed Mr Murdoch in a favorable light, because he was a White Australian, and as such was a citizen of our closest Ally. Maybe he appeared benign, given his U.K. publications, which were harmless entertainment, with their sensationalist articles about scandals among the Royalty and Popular culture. Perhaps his Money had some effect, as he could afford the very best Lobbyists and Lawyers. Whatever the case, and in light of his Hacking Conspiracies in the UK, the time is now to Revoke his licenses, and force the sale of his Broadcast Empire. Please Sign this Petition, and help end this Un-American and destructive Propaganda. Free Speech is an American Right, and this person is Foreign, in intent on destroying our Cohesive Society.
Why is this important?
For years now, I have wondered Why our Government has allowed a Foreign Tabloid Tycoon to Propagandize and Misinform a huge and vulnerable portion of Our Citizenship. Now that the Hacking / Wiretapping Conspiracies have come light in the UK, there is ample proof that his is an "Evil Empire", and needs to be ended in Our Country.