To: Stephen B. Burke, President of NBC Universal, David Rhodes, President of CBS News, Ben Sherwood, President of ABC News, Roger Ailes, President of Fox News Channel, and Jeff Zucker, President of CNN

Tell the media it's time to leave the people of Newtown alone

The people of Newtown, Conn., have understandably had enough. They're growing increasingly tired of the media presence that has focused on the town since December 14th, and they're ready for the journalists and reporters to pack up their cameras and microphones and leave them alone. The residents say that reporters are "stalking" them, sharing stories of late-night phone calls and unwanted visitors at their front doors, to the point that some businesses and churches have put up "No Media" and "No Press" signs. "We need you to help us beg people to stop calling the victims," one resident said. "They're in mourning."

It is time to leave these people allow. Please, pull your crews out of Newtown at once.

Why is this important?

The media coverage has been non-stop since the terrible events of December 14th at sandy Hook Elementary. The people of Newtown, Conn, are dealing with prying reporters as they try to grieve. As the holiday's approach, the media needs to be respectful and leave these people alone.
