To: South Dakota PUC

Tell the South Dakota PUC: Allow public testimony on Keystone XL.

I am in support of Tribal Nations, farmers and ranchers in South Dakota in demanding that the South Dakota PUC allow public testimony to be heard on May 5th. I stand with South Dakota Tribal Nations, farmers and ranchers in opposition to Keystone XL.

Why is this important?

The South Dakota Public Utilities Commission will soon be deciding whether to grant a new permit for TransCanada to build the Keystone XL pipeline. But the PUC has said it will not allow the public to testify at the hearing on May 5th -- The SD PUC is attempting to limit the testimony to a few written submissions. They are refusing to hear the people. Let's remind them they work for the people, and that means allowing their voices to be heard.

Stand in support of Tribal Nations, farmers and ranchers in South Dakota who are fighting Keystone XL, and join their call on the Public Utilities Commission to let all of the voices be heard at the hearing on May 5.

South Dakota Tribes along with Dakota Rural Action have filed official objections to TransCanada's permit application for Keystone with the SD PUC, and will be among those parties allowed to testify at the hearing on May 5.

But there are many voices of those who stand in solidarity to protect the land and water that won't be heard, unless we convince the PUC to change course and add a public comment portion to the hearing, so the wide range of voices with concerns about this massive threat to our heartland, climate and the well being of women and children are heard.

Sign the petition: Let the people's voices be heard on Keystone XL.