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To: Student Senate for California Community Colleges

Tell the SSCCC to stop ignoring their governing documents and to increase transparency.

We, the students of the California Community College system, demand the SSCCC follow their governing documents, implement resolutions fairly, and increase transparency at all organizational levels.

Why is this important?

Since the beginning of the 2015-2016 term, the SSCCC has continuously failed to follow their governing documents.

No agenda during the current term has been sent out in compliance with our bylaws. Every agenda has been sent out less than the five (5) calendar days required.

Failure to follow our governing documents forced the SSCCC to invalidate elections this term.

Failure to follow our governing documents has created a situation where board recognized Student Body Organizations were not recognized at Fall 2015 General Assembly.

The SSCCC has failed to follow rules set in place by the the Council itself. Meeting times were not adequately reflected based on the Council’s decision to extend meeting times.

The SSCCC has not posted minutes to their website since the September meeting.

The SSCCC routinely sends out agendas without completed supplementary documents available for public inspection before the day of the meeting. Students cannot call into meetings with an informed viewpoint.

The SSCCC routinely labels resolutions infeasible due to lack of interest in implementation.

The SSCCC routinely ignores the student voice by not implementing resolutions.

We, the students of the California Community College system, demand the SSCCC follow their governing documents, implement resolutions fairly, and increase transparency at all organizational levels.



2021-01-22 00:05:12 -0500

50 signatures reached