To: Francine Johnson, Executive Director, NDPISB

Stop the violence against the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

By turning their dogs loose on protestors, the security guards hired by Dakota Access, LLC acted in a reckless and inhumane manner. The guards had no uniforms, drove vehicles with out-of-state plates, and appeared to have little or no training. It's unclear whether or not they're even licensed to operate in the state.

The North Dakota Private Investigation and Security Board must investigate the actions of the private security guards hired by Dakota Access and ensure they are properly trained and licensed to operate in North Dakota.

Why is this important?

The actions on September 3, 2016 by the private security guards hired by Dakota Access endangered the lives of dozens of protesters, including many young children.

Photos and videos released online show protesters, including a pregnant woman, were bit and bleeding. Security personnel were caught on video macing protesters, but denied it when confronted by the media.

The guards had no uniforms, drove vehicles with out-of-state plates, and appeared to have little or no training. It's unclear whether or not they're even licensed to operate in the state.

The actions of the security guards hired by Dakota Access have the public asking questions:

- Who was the private security firm hired by Dakota Access?
- Why aren’t the security guards wearing uniforms?
- Are the guards properly trained and licensed by the NDPISB?

The North Dakota Private Investigation and Security Board is a governor-appointed board that licenses and regulates the private investigation and security industries. The board must investigate the actions of the private security guards hired by Dakota Access and ensure they are properly trained and licensed to operate in North Dakota.
