To: Rep. Pete Aguilar (CA-31), Rep. Jamie Raskin (MD-8), Rep. John Moolenaar (MI-4), Rep. Fred Upton (MI-6), Rep. James Clyburn (SC-6), Rep. Lance Gooden (TX-5), Sen. Martha McSally (AZ-2), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (MA-1), Sen. Jon Tester (MT-1...

Tell the Super Committee to tackle the budget deficit the right way!

Dear Members of the Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction:

We face an economic crisis as a country, and if Washington tries to solve it the wrong way, the result could be catastrophic for millions of Americans. We, the undersigned, urge you to:

:: Resist shortsighted calls to cut funding for the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA needs the resources to protect human health and the environment.

:: Make sure that all Americans - especially children - get enough of the right kinds of food to lead healthy lives, like supporting school meals, supplemental nutrition programs and healthier fruits and veggies. That means ensuring that food is produced in ways that protect and improve the health of soil and water and that enhance long-term agricultural sustainability.

:: Fix the outdated farm subsidy system. Direct payments that go out regardless of market conditions or actual land use must be eliminated. Price support programs are irrelevant in today's booming farm economy and need to be reformed.

:: Protect conservation spending. Programs that protect our nation's farmlands and have direct effects on the availability of safe water get cut year after year. Enough is enough.

Please create a blueprint for responsible fiscal policies that will also protect the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink.


Why is this important?

We're facing an economic crisis, and if Washington tries to solve it the wrong way, the result could be catastrophic for millions of Americans.

The Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction - better known as the Super Committee - is meeting and making decisions right now that will profoundly affect the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and other environmental factors that keep us healthy or prevent illness.

We need your help. EWG sent the committee members our recommendations, showing that they can address the budget AND make sure that we protect programs for children, the environment and our health, as well as ensure that there's a true safety net for farmers who need it. Will you tell the committee right away that you stand with EWG?
