To: Fred Hiatt, Editorial Page Editor, Washington Post

Tell the Washington Post that Richard Cohen has got to go!

Fred Hiatt, you have got quite a team of writers working for you, none more odious than Richard Cohen. So what is the latest outrage? How about declaring that "people with conventional views must repress a gag reflex" at the thought of New York City Mayor-elect Bill DeBlasio's interracial marriage to a woman who "used to be a lesbian"? Charming, huh? This clown needs to go. Fred Hiatt: Make it happen.

Why is this important?

The list of grievances that I have with Richard Cohen would be a mile long. Today's column, however, takes the cake. Gawker documents the atrocity quite nicely here: For the more adventurous, here is the link to Cohen's original column, It's time to send Richard Cohen packing!