To: Jane Penman, member, Williamsport School Board, Dale Vollman, member, Williamsport School Board, Jerene Milliken, member, Williamsport School Board, Jay Shultz, member, Williamsport School Board, David Stone Jr., member, Williamsport Sch...

Tell the Williamsport School Board to stop its campaign to subcontract the district's cafeteria e...

Tell the Williamsport School Board to keep jobs and taxes in our community! If these residents are rehired by the corporation they will most likely have their salaries and benefits slashed. This is how corporations make a profit! Our tax dollars will leave our community.
Subcontracting will not save the district money! For-profit corporations have one goal: to make money, not taking care of the kids. Didn’t the district learn anything from its subcontracting the bus services? The district lost money!
Cafeteria employees are like second moms to our children. Do we want strangers working with our children? Many districts that have used private cafeteria companies ended up firing the company and going back to district services.

Why is this important?

The Williamsport School Board wants to fire our school district cafeteria employees and hire an out of town for-profit corporation to provide those services.
Why would we want to fire local residents and let our tax dollars leave our city to go into the bank account of a for profit corporation?
