To: Mel Tyler, Vice Chancellor of UMKC, Leo Morton, Chancellor of UMKC, Ms. Williams, Reporter, and Jay Nixon, Governor of Missouri

Tell UMKC it has to give DSHE an annual budget

UMKC SAFC DENIED DSHE an annual budget. DSHE needs your help to tell UMKC that all student groups need a budget not just the groups UMKC supports. DSHE needs the student activity fee for all disabled students at UMKC to help disabled students and veterans

Why is this important?

Disabled Students in Higher Education is a student group that educates and advocates for Disabled Students in College. UMKC does not support our group the way it supports other groups. DSHE needs funding to help disabled students return to college, get tutoring, or simply be able to send a letter to Vocational Rehabilitation. Please help by signing this petition.