To: Michael Duke, CEO, Duncan MacNaughton, Executive Vice President & Chief Merchandising Officer, Pam Kohn, Executive Vice President, Merchandise Services, and Stephen F. Quinn, Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer

Tell Wal-Mart: Stop selling assault rifles

To Wal-Mart corporate leadership: Please put public safety ahead of profit, and join Dick's Sporting Goods in stopping sales of assault weapons to the public. As one of America's largest suppliers of guns, the safety of our communities depends on your good faith.

Why is this important?

Wal-Mart can make a good-faith effort to help stop the kind of violence we saw in Newtown, CT: by joining Dick's Sporting Goods in voluntarily stopping sales of assault weapons, which belong in war, not in our communities. As reported by Bloomberg News on December 19, 2012, "Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, said yesterday that it would continue to sell guns, including rifles like the one used at Newtown, where 26 people, most of them children, were killed on Dec. 14. Searches of five kinds of semi-automatic rifles on Wal-Mart’s website showed them to be out of stock at stores in five states, including Pennsylvania, Kansas and Alabama...Wal-Mart has about 10 modern sporting rifles, the gun industry’s term for firearms that look like an M-16 military rifle, listed on its website. The retailer removed a description and picture of the Bushmaster AR-15, which was the model used in Newtown, after the shootings." Why not remove the rest of these other dangerous models? Please do put public safety ahead of profit, and stop selling assault weapons.

