To: William J. Marrazzo, President and CEO

Tell WHYY that you would like to hear more coverage of Bernie Sanders

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

The progressive news station NPR and WHYY has coronated Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee, even as Senator Bernie Sanders is surging in polls and drawing massive crowds at his rallies. Demand that NPR stop trying to be a king or queen-maker, and be a news station. There are TWO leading Democratic candidates, not one.

Why is this important?

Senator Bernie Sanders deserves substantial airtime because we believe that his platform and policy proposals speak directly to the lives of middle and lower class American more than any other candidate in the presidential race. He is financed exclusively by the American people and as a result he is free to speak and fight on our behalf. The history of his political career demonstrates that his words are consistent with his entire record and that he is committed to fighting for all of the American people. As listeners of WHYY and NPR, we would like to hear Sen. Sanders proposals given substantive and consistent coverage.