To: The United States Senate
Tell your Senators to vote no on the "No Rate Regulation of Broadband Internet Access Act".
The House has passed HB 2666, the No Rate Regulation of Broadband Internet Access Act, which prohibits the FCC from "rate regulation" of the Internet. As there is no language in the bill to define what is meant by "rate regulation" the term is open to broad interpretation. The Internet belongs to the citizens of the US and not to corporate interests, therefore, we need the FCC to be the absolute watchdog to ensure that the Internet is not hijacked for the sole enrichment of corporate ISPs. We the people petition the US Senate to vote NO when this legislation is brought before the Senate for consideration.
Why is this important?
This bill potentially weakens the FCC's ability to ensure that all Americans have equal access to the Internet. The language of this bill handcuffs the FCC from acting to prohibit corporate ISPs from enacting measures that would restrict fair access to the Internet for gain.