To: The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, and Governor Ron DeSantis

Tell your state legislators: Repeal NRA Laws Pushed by the American Legislative Exchange Council

Repeal NRA Laws Pushed by the American Legislative Exchange Council

Why is this important?

The NRA has used the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to push its extreme agenda with legislators dating back to at least 1988. For more than two decades ALEC made the NRA's lobbying agenda a national priority, with legislators voting as equals with the NRA on "model" bills behind closed doors. In the wake of the Trayvon Martin tragedy and the spotlight on the ALEC-NRA "Stand Your Ground" law in 2012, ALEC sought to distance itself from the NRA. However, ALEC has yet to do anything to repeal or rollback any of the dangerous gun legislation that they helped push into law on behalf of the NRA, like the laws pre-empting cities from adopting common sense gun laws to provide greater protections for children and adults.

[ALEC Exposed: ALEC’s Legislative Agenda on Guns, Accessed 2/15/18]