To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Temporary Protective Services at the Nations Schools

We the undersigned respectfully DEMAND that school boards across the nation be directed by Govenors, The US Congress to provide immediate funds to train, pay, and support ARMED, Private Security at every School in the Nation until we have a 7 year period of no school shootings.

Why is this important?

I managed the security for a midwest university campus of 60 acres, 2,000 students and visitors with a staff of 200. I can assure you that being open to the public does mean persons who have weapons can and will challenge your safety. The Nation is now on notice that we must provide armed, trained SECURITY STAFF at every shool...either volunteer or paid, not to do so is to invite tragedy and copy cat shooters.